
Up in Smoke

Intoxicating Specialty Hookahs at Puff

A lot of places in Vegas promise everything. After all, that's kind of what Vegas is about. (If people wanted a restaurant where you couldn't play slots and watch exotic fire-handling comedians, they'd do Ohio.) But we've got one question for these mega-everything places: Do you have hookah?

Because at that sorta new club called Puff, they do.

Lots of it.

Puff's not high up on our list of general social hangouts, and, yes, this building has had more identities in the last five years than Meryl Streep. But if you've got a craving for smoke that no cigarette cande-crave, this cavernous, 24/7 Moroccan pleasure den will lay some 50 hookah sat your fingertips, all blends of premium herbal non-nicotine shisha with flavors like guava, honey, mint and café latte (in case you want that Hookah Starbucks high).

There are ice chambers to cool down the temperature as you inhale, and Puff lets you replace the water typically used in the base with wine, beer or various schnapps-es. They even offer a couple of secret-ingredient hookahs, which are a combination of alcohol, tobacco and tiger's blood. (OK, probably not tiger's blood.  But it's a secret. So it's possible.)

And if you don't actually know how to smoke hookah—or the off-duty flamenco dancer you're with doesn't—they're happy to educate. Available 24/7, the on-site tutors consider themselves "Puffessional Puffologists."

We wish this weren't true, but it is.


1030 E. Flamingo Rd
(between Paradiseand Maryland Pkwy)
East of Strip
Las Vegas, NV, 89119

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