Rio Room

Out of This World

A Spaceship Built for Dancing

None 4 Photos Rio Room
Right now, your mind’s probably on Sunday’s big game. Which is as it should be.

But for a moment, we need you to focus on more pressing needs.

Like where to go dancing in a space bubble tonight.

Meet Rio Room, a new lair of dancing, flashing lights and debauchery in Highland Park, opening tonight.

First, some history. You might remember this place as the oontz-oontz palace Suite. You might not remember it as Rio Room, which is also what it was called back in 1983, when it first opened. (If Patrick Duffy ever learned to moonwalk, he did it here.)

Now the room’s been given a makeover by the PM Lounge guys, and looks something like a Bond villain’s lair—assuming Dr. No had a thing for foliage and space shuttles. You’ll enter through a door tucked back in a Travis Street parking lot (good for keeping the paparazzi at bay) and find, right in the middle, a giant dance floor. It’s surrounded by mirrored walls, large green ferns and, of course, 25 globes made from astronaut helmets. Which should perfectly complement the strains of old-school disco and the occasional jam from Big Boi.

And we’re sworn to secrecy, but let’s just say there’s a secret back room for when you need a little more intimacy.

You never practice the Worm in public.

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