
Barrel Roll

Turning Your Kitchen into a Distillery

UD - Wasmund's Barrel Kit Kind of gray out there today.

But it’s got you thinking. It’s days like these when you can really get a lot accomplished.

You know, catch up on some paperwork. Finally sign off on the Tokyo merger. Make some whiskey.

Let’s prioritize that making whiskey part...

Introducing Wasmund’s Barrel Kit, graciously providing everything you need to age and season your own whiskey from the comfort of your home (or office), now available.

Sure, you could always run down to Green’s and pick up a bottle of whiskey made by The Man... but there’s a particular allure about being able to meticulously craft your own hooch on your own terms. And for that, you’ll want to hop online and brazenly summon your tools of the trade.

The most important of which happens to be a bottle of 124-proof single-malt or rye base spirit, which you’ll find right next to a two-liter charred oak mini-barrel. It’s up to you what happens next, but the longer you age the base spirit, the more gloriously complex things get.

Your first fill of the barrel may end up yielding more of a bourbon-y scenario. But with each subsequent fill (and depending on how long you age it), expect a finish more comparable to a fine single-malt scotch.

Tokyo will wait.
Note: <a target="_blank" href="http://www.copperfox.biz/products/">Wasmund’s Barrel Kit</a>, <a target="_blank" href="http://www.centralliquors.com/Detail.asp?ID=4588">single-malt</a> and <a target="_blank" href= "http://www.centralliquors.com/Detail.asp?ID=4587">rye spirits</a> available now from <a target="_blank" href="http://www.centralliquors.com/">Central Liquors</a>, 202-737-2800

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