
The Social Network

Step Inside the Gold Coast’s New Lair

None 2 Photos Privét
What we’re about to tell you is strictly confidential.

Unless you’re a movie star, an NBA player or a crown prince of Europe, please stop reading now.

Is the coast clear? Great. Now we can introduce you to Privét, a new nightclub that’s dedicated to one thing and one thing only: keeping the unwashed masses away from you while you’re busy enjoying the simple pleasure of a magnum of champagne with a few dozen of your closest friends.

Let’s back up a bit. This is what now occupies the former Le Passage (go ahead, take a moment to grieve). But here there’s no RSVP line and no list at the door. If you want in, it helps if you know someone—or someone who knows someone. And knowing you, you do.

But once you waltz past those velvet ropes, take that familiar walk down the alley and head down the stairs, you’ll find a transformed club, moody with mauves and creams, soft furniture, shimmering champagne cases and an unharnessed eagerness to please.

Take up in the private cabana, outfitted with your own security, server, host, mixologist, concierge—whatever you need... which probably includes your own private dance floor, so that’ll be there, too. The concierge will help you with anything from dinner reservations to booking a flight.

You never know when you’ll need to go to St. Barts mid-cocktail.

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