Things to do for January 13, 2011

The Weekender

Flying Pasties, Single-Malts and Vegan Popsicle Delivery

The weekend is thawing out with a vengeance.

Track Your Resolutions in Your Pocket

Track Your Resolutions in Your Pocket

Resolutions: easy to make. Less easy to keep. So we’re setting you up with Fitbit, a wireless personal training device that tracks every calorie you burn, even the ones from lifting a martini glass. We’re also throwing in six gratis months of Premium Membership. Go ahead, have an extra martini.

Half-Off Wine at Spice Market... All of It

Half-Off Wine at Spice Market... All of It

We think it’s high time you gave Spice Market another try. Partly because it’s been a while since you’ve gone skinny dipping in the Pond Room (you know the manager), but mostly because through the end of the month, every glass and bottle of wine is 50% off... whether you know the manager or not.

Throughout January, Spice Market, 188 14th St NE (W Midtown), 404-724-2550

Pasties and Random Holidays

Pasties and Random Holidays

Christmas: check. New Year’s: check. But hey, just because the “holidays” are over doesn’t mean you have to stop there. And to that end, Blast-Off Burlesque is putting on a pastie-tastic stage show that pays scantily-clad homage to a few of our lesser-lauded holidays. We’re looking at you, Leif Erikson Day.

Jan 14, 8pm, Jan 15, 6:30/9:30pm, $15 advance, 1055 Euclid Ave, tickets here

Popsicle Delivery. For Some Reason.

Popsicle Delivery. For Some Reason.

It’s the dead of winter. So if you’re wondering why we’ve been talking so much about the delivery of frozen goods lately... so are we. But turns out, a little place called ThePopShop is now delivering handcrafted (vegan) popsicles like Cucumber Lime Cilantro and Spiced Carrot Cake right to your door. We figured you’d be okay with that.

Lobster Roulade and Potential Ice Bocce

Lobster Roulade and Potential Ice Bocce

Next week, after you put on an impromptu ice-bocce clinic in Empire State South’s courtyard, you’ll want to head inside for the seven-course wine dinner. Expect all manner of Austrian and German varietals alongside anything from lobster roulade with mustard cream to duck confit with red curry broth. The boiled peanuts aren’t bad, either.

Five Wines, Four Scotches and You

Five Wines, Four Scotches and You

We may as well just cut to the chase on this one... you’re going to be drinking next Wednesday. A lot, actually. Chalk it up to Café Circa’s no-holds-barred booze flight, where you’ll sip your way through five wines followed, naturally, by four single-malt scotches, all paired with small plates. Thank you, small plates.

Jan 19, 7 and 9pm, $20, Café Circa, 464 Edgewood Ave SE, reserve at 404-477-0008

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