Things to do for January 06, 2011

The Weekender

144 Jars of Jerky, Swing Dancing and a 31-Hour Party

The weekend bows to no one.

Bottle Rocket Opens in Castleberry Hill

Bottle Rocket Opens in Castleberry Hill

A lot of things happened on New Year’s Eve. And that’s exactly where most of those things should stay. One exception: the opening of Bottle Rocket, a new neighborhood spot built on the bones of sushi house Wasabi, with cold beer and fat steaks picking up where sake and sushi left off. They still have that stuff too, though.

144 Jars of Beef Jerky

144 Jars of Beef Jerky

Beef jerky. It’s the handlebar mustache of meats. A tangible celebration of your inner Butch Cassidy. And given that fact, it’s only right to go for the good stuff. Well, The Spotted Trotter and White Oak Pastures have teamed up to produce exactly 144 jars of just that. Because 145 jars would be overkill.

Coffee, Cocktails and Art If There’s Time

Coffee, Cocktails and Art If There’s Time

So there’s this new design exhibit debuting this weekend called The Possible. Sure. Fine. But if you happen to find yourself at Octane on Saturday night, you may want to stick around for the launch party, with music from Lyonnais and cocktails from Top Flr mixologist Joshua Flail. It’s all in the name of art, so you’re good.

Jan 8, 8pm, no cost, Octane, 1009-B Marietta St, 404-815-9886

31 Hours of Partying at the High

31 Hours of Partying at the High

This weekend, the High Museum is throwing a send-off party. For Salvador Dalí... for 31 straight hours. Expect anything from raucous circus acts to live music to roaming the hallowed halls at 4am with a glass of gin in one hand and a map in the other. It’s how Dalí would’ve wanted it.

Swing Dancing, Whiskey and Airplanes

Swing Dancing, Whiskey and Airplanes

Season 1 of Boardwalk Empire... in the can. Which means your Big Banding, swing dancing, whiskey-swilling fix may need to come from somewhere else for the time being. And turns out, the 57th Fighter Group Restaurant (yes, the one that’s basically sitting on an airport runway) is throwing a series of ’40s-themed parties all month. ’20s, ’40s... close enough.

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