
Good Times...

The Most Dubious Moments of 2010

The year 2010 brought a boatload of moments that made you equal parts mortified and proud to be an Angeleno, from Batman’s arrest to a traffic-stopping PR stunt. With the occasional scorcher of a lesbian S&M scandal thrown in for good measure.

Voyeur Became Site of National Scandal

Voyeur Became Site of National Scandal

On March 28, Voyeur was just an innocent little lounge where you might see some nice young women licking each other’s handcuffs. The next day, reports surfaced that the Republican National Committee had recently blown a couple grand inside and, in short, all hell broke loose. Naturally, the Huffington Post turned to us for some wisdom on what happens behind the rope.

Batman Got Arrested

Batman Got Arrested

On Hollywood Boulevard, costumed superheroes are known to hang around posing for photos with tourists. You know this. But there’s a fine line between getting a tourist’s tip... and illegally berating a tourist for a tip. So as part of an intense superhero sting, the cops swooped in on a summer day and, well, holy photo op, Batman.

Worst. PR Stunt. Ever.

Worst. PR Stunt. Ever.

A morning commute on the 101 is rarely what you’d call pleasant. That’s even before a random band decides to stop their van sideways across several lanes of traffic, climb on top and perform for a bunch of people who instantly despise them. Traffic was stopped for miles, and oddly enough, their single didn’t make the top 10.

The Hoff Got Hassled

The Hoff Got Hassled

And by hassled, we mean canceled. By A&E. After two episodes. Ouch. The world, once so entranced by footage of David Hasselhoff trying in vain to get a burger in his mouth, wasn’t so interested in his reality show, The Hasselhoffs. Perhaps due to the fact that the US is not Germany.

Scarlett Johansson Back on the Market

Scarlett Johansson Back on the Market

You’d never wish any relationship ill will. Never. But on one unseasonably warm December day, the sun shone down upon a world where Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson announced their marriage was off. And all across our city, guys watched the first couple minutes of Lost in Translation with a newfound purpose.

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