
Good Times...

The Most Dubious Moments of 2010

Well, DC, this was certainly the best year we’re likely to see until 2011. And after that, well, the Mayans tell us the world will end. So drink this one in as we present some of the weirdest, shadiest and most unsavory happenings of 2010.

Naked Guy Jogs near White House

Naked Guy Jogs near White House

The sun is setting. The windchill is a brisk 25 degrees. And you’re near the White House. Time to strip naked and go for a jog. Or so thought a man who took it all off and began a breezy run up and down E Street. His bag of clothes, quickly discovered nearby, was classified as a suspicious package... giving him the rare two-for-one in the package department.

DC Council Takes Pot Vote on 4/20

DC Council Takes Pot Vote on 4/20

The DC Council gave preliminary approval to a medical marijuana bill—unanimously, we might add—on none other than April 20 (4/20, for those of you scoring at home). Next on the Council’s docket: the legalization of 200-pound Funyuns bags.

The Tax Man Comes After Roberto Donna

The Tax Man Comes After Roberto Donna

Just a few months before opening his latest temple to expense-account Italian dining, Roberto Donna got hit with some expenses of his own: a $156,000 tax bill from Arlington County, stemming from nonpayment of meal taxes. It was only the tip of the iceberg for the legendary DC toque, who was later ordered to pay a cool half-million to former employees. That’s a lot of Bolognese.

The Return of the Sexy Russian Spy

The Return of the Sexy Russian Spy

We have ways of making you talk. And yes, as it turns out, it involves sexy redheads who may or may not be concealing weapons in their garters. Unfortunately for Miss Chapman, she’s inevitably the one who will perish with the arch-villain when Bond blows up his lair.

Burger Smell = Lower Productivity

Burger Smell = Lower Productivity

Lawyers: not everyone’s favorite demographic, even in a city overflowing with them. Plaintiff’s Exhibit 1: the firm of Steptoe & Johnson, which forced the closure of the popular burger joint Rogue States downstairs. Their claim: the constant burger-and-fries smell was causing them headaches, nausea and itchy eyes. To say nothing of a constant craving for burgers.

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