
Good Times...

The Most Dubious Moments of 2010

On a national level, 2010 will forever be remembered as the year of that unforgettable US lacrosse win over Algeria. But here’s a roundup of the more dubious events that colored our local news.

The Great 2010 Aquapocalypse

The Great 2010 Aquapocalypse

For several tense days after a crucial city water main burst, the city was held in a grip of bottled-water-supplied fear. Later, it was learned that the threat wasn’t as bad as originally thought, and we probably could have just drunk normal water. Meanwhile, Poland Spring shareholders laughed riotously.

Jaws Spotted Off Coast. People Shrugged.

Jaws Spotted Off Coast. People Shrugged.

For the first time ever, the Coast Guard issued great white shark warnings for beach-goers off the cost of Massachusetts and greater New England, after seven-foot sharks were spotted patrolling the waters for food and other mischief. Curiously, you still went to the beach. Explain that, Spielberg.

Shaq Became a Celtic

Shaq Became a Celtic

The rumors rumbled through the sports wires for weeks. Then, like a great summer thundershower, the news rained down and spread across all of Boston: Shaq would be donning the greatest basketball jersey ever, and joining the ranks of Garnett, Rondo and Pierce. Good move, Shaq, good move.

Tom Brady Spotted Outside a Hair Clinic

Tom Brady Spotted Outside a Hair Clinic

The hair. It’s been the talk of the Pats since the season began. Then Tommy B was seen outside a hair transplant clinic in Rhode Island, sparking speculation that the golden boy is concerned about winding up with the same frying-pan balding pattern as most mortal males. He may be human after all...

Cambridge Got One Huge Wallet

Cambridge Got One Huge Wallet

The day started like any other. And then, suddenly, as the morning sun rose, the news spread: Cambridge-based wallet makers Big Skinny had created a monstrous, 21-by-20-foot, Guinness record–setting red wallet, plopping it right in Harvard Square. Its aim was to encourage holiday shoppers to give to charity, although it just reminded us we lost our wallet on the train.

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