
Good Times...

The Most Dubious Moments of 2010

2010 was many things—inspiring, exhausting, Bieber-filled—but today we’d like to take a moment to appreciate the crazy. Behold, the five most dubious achievements of the year, from bed intrusion to the blackout-in-a-can. 2011, the bar has been set.

Antoine Dodson Was Discovered

Antoine Dodson Was Discovered

In a world where bed-oriented intruders are climbing in our windows and snatching our people up, one man dared to tell the truth. In return, he got a hit single, a place onstage at the BET awards and 2.3 million YouTube views (and counting). Senator Dodson can’t be far behind.

Foursquare’s Extraterrestrial Check-In

Foursquare’s Extraterrestrial Check-In

Foursquare finally left the planet earth when astronaut Doug Wheelock left a Foursquare check-in from the International Space Station—proving that we have officially run out of cool things to do in space.

Randy Quaid Skips to Canada

Randy Quaid Skips to Canada

Faced with daunting legal issues and a mounting case of the crazies, Randy Quaid and his wife finally pulled up stakes and headed to Canada this year with hellhounds on his trail. Christmas Vacation now seems eerily prescient.

The Decaffeinating of Four Loko

The Decaffeinating of Four Loko

Facing a ban in several states, the alcoholic energy drink that burns twice as fast and lasts half as long announced in November that they’d be switching to a caffeine-free version. Which, frankly, makes it Two Loko at best.

A Bacon Bikini Fraud

A Bacon Bikini Fraud

You love bacon, bikinis and helping the less fortunate—so you found it profoundly disappointing that, this year, a Sacramento restaurant owner held a bacon bikini night for a juvenile diabetes foundation that turned out not to exist. At last, nothing is sacred.

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