
The Rejection List

The Things We Left Behind in 2010

As we search for the coolest, most useful stuff to bring into your inbox every day, we encounter products that just miss the cut. And then we encounter <em>these</em> products. Behold: our 2010 rejection list.

Goats in Trees Calendar

Goats in Trees Calendar

While a suitable replacement when you can’t find the ever-popular “Sparrows in Trees” calendar, waking up to this may cause your date to draw unwanted conclusions about you. Namely, that you mark the passage of time with depictions of animals in perilous situations.

Fish Sleeping Bag

Fish Sleeping Bag

You’re all for keeping warm and cozy while on a camping adventure with a coquettish forest-mate, but asking her to cuddle up in this fish sleeping bag would certainly kill the mood. And may prove dangerous if you draw attention from fish’s natural predator, the grizzly bear.

Gold Toilet Brush Holder

Gold Toilet Brush Holder

This feels like something pilfered from Saddam’s country palace, meaning that while the gold in this toilet brush holder may not corrode, that doesn’t mean a little bit of your soul won’t.

And Vinyly

And Vinyly

You want to prove that vinyl isn’t dead even if your body is, that’s cool. In a few generations, though, it’ll be forgotten that Grandpa was trendy enough to get his remains pressed into a record, and you’ll be one garage sale away from lying next to a Fleetwood Mac B-side in a 99-cent bin for all of eternity. Hardly a fitting resting place.

Wearable Towel

Wearable Towel

Using this wearable towel “toga-style” at the beach won’t make women conjure up images of Greek gods and bacchanalia-filled parties—they’ll just assume you’re too inept or lazy to properly wrap a towel around your waist. You might as well be wearing a terrycloth Snuggie...

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