
Money Ball

Treating Athletes Like Stocks

UD - Starstreet Sports What a thorough trouncing by the Pats last night.

And as you watched the touchdowns start to pile up, you couldn’t help but wish you’d had a little money riding on the outcome.

By which we mean: you wish you’d had shares of Tom Brady.

We can help with that…

Presenting StarStreet, the Cambridge-based online platform for buying and selling real shares of your favorite players, now taking (and dishing out) cash money.

Think of StarStreet as the E*Trade of sports “risk-taking.” And now that they’ve switched from only trading in virtual currency to dealing in actual currency, you have the ability to make real American dollars off your Belichick-ian predictive skills (which helps when, say, wanting to buy real beer or purchase real yacht insurance).

To get started, you’ll create an account and make a mandatory $25 investment. From there, you can buy and sell shares of your favorite football players (all other sports to come) based on how high or low you think their “stock” will rise/fall over the season, buying more shares or selling the farm when you see fit (tip to all time-travelers: get Wes Welker when he was still in the draft).

Best of all: when your picks have made you a few bucks from some savvy “trades,” you can withdraw said profits from your PayPal account at the end of the season—basically making this the fantasy league Charlie Sheen’s character in Wall Street would’ve used.

Unfortunately, Wall Street 2 would still have been inevitable.

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