Gansevoort South

Fly South

Hotel Gansevoort Spreads its Wings

With winter having a late rally, you may be looking for a quick hideaway. Something warm, but nothing too unfamiliar...

Allow us to suggest old friend Miami, and a familiar face that's opening there on Monday: The Gansevoort South. That's right, the folks who spent the last five years making the MPD into a mini-Miami have decided to make Miami look a little bit more like Manhattan.

In case you get homesick, they've got friendly faces like STK and Philippe Chow holding court at street level, and Big Drop and Cutler in the shopping level downstairs, but you'll be more interested in the Miami part of the the sun. And the beach. Luckily, you've got a multi-level beach club at your disposal, split between a pool, cabanas and a beach-level bar. (Choose wisely.) They even threw in a shark tank in the lobby, for that extra bit of Scarface-chic to remind you that you aren't in Manhattan anymore.

They've also taken cues from the MPD Gansevoort's rooftop pool, but they've given it a little upgrade. Actually, a big upgrade: the Miami roof boasts 22,000 square feet of ocean-viewing aquatic loungery that the hotel claims is "arguably the largest rooftop playground in the country."

But that's probably an argument that takes place over margaritas.


Gansevoort South
2377 Collins Ave
Miami, FL, 33139

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