Made in Heaven

Trading Up

The Hottest Art on the UES

UD - Made in Heaven The demure townhouses of the Upper East Side have long been known for their delicate art holdings.
And while we’re about to ask you to enter one such under-the-radar townhouse, what you will see is neither demure nor delicate.
In fact, it involves an Italian porn diva/parliament member...

Welcome to Made in Heaven, an art exhibition featuring life-size, vivid photos of art icon Jeff Koons with his ex-wife Ilona Staller making nice, on display now.

Now, there are a few things you and your adventurous date need to know before ringing the bell at 64 East 77th Street. The first is that Ms. Staller is also a legendary Italian porn star, credited with single-handedly launching the Italian porn industry.  You might know her by the nickname La Cicciolina, slang for “cuddles.”
Stepping into the townhouse, you’ll be greeted in a minimalist hardwood parlor, deceivingly simple and empty, with nothing on the walls. But upon climbing the stairs to the second level, you will enter the world of cuddles.
And it’s here where things get a little racy: we’re talking massive, screen-printed photographs of Koons and Cuddles, spread throughout the second and third floors, wrapped in what we can only call graphic carnal embrace. Check your date’s pulse. If it’s too fast, you might take this opportunity to explain that La Cicciolina went on to be elected a member of parliament in Italy, where she fought for the right of inmates to enjoy jailhouse sex.
Did we mention how nice the downstairs parlor is?


Made in Heaven
at Luxembourg & Dayan
64 E 77th St
New York, NY, 10075

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