
Sugar Mamas

These Beauties Just Happened to Be Born Rich

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
It’s times like these when you realize you’re in the wrong business.

This is what Roger Moenks’ latest job consisted of: traveling the world taking pictures of the hottest, richest, most well-bred women on the planet. You, meanwhile, were "stuck in meetings."

The extremely edifying results of Moenks’ wanderlust are collected in his new book, Inheriting Beauty, chockablock with exotic creatures fairly oozing sex and sophistication. Of course, we’d expect nothing less of fashionable fillies bearing blue-chip brand names like Armani, Ferragamo, Etro and Trussardi.

As you might have guessed from that list, a fair amount of the assembled talent is of the European persuasion. While local favorites like Tinsley Mortimer and Amanda Hearst can certainly hold their own, they’re more than outnumbered, and certainly outclassed, by the legions of foreign goddesses pouting their way through Moenks’ pages.

The sad truth is they’ve obviously done a much better job of arranging things across the pond. It’s a textbook case of natural selection, and we’re nowhere near the top of the pecking order. Luckily, however, many of the European beauties—like Spanish model Eugenia Silva, pictured here—have chosen to take up residence in New York.

Our genes may be deficient, but our city still kicks ass.

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