Closet Comics Big Break

The Stand

Taking Your Wisecracks to the Next Level

UD - Closet Comics Big Break You hold court at the watercooler with Seinfeldian rigor. You’ve reduced conference rooms to tears of laughter. You grew up with a Sam Kinison lunch box.

So we think you’re ready for the big time. Or at least the medium time...

Presenting Closet Comics Big Break, a stand-up comedy workshop at the BCAE that could end with you on stage at the Wilbur, now accepting registrations for November.

Think of it as Last Comic Standing, Boston Edition. The setup: after gathering together your best two minutes of material, you’ll dive into the two-hour workshop at the BCAE, where comics who have shared the stage with everyone from Leno to Sandler will help you fine-tune your David Cross-meets-1970s Steve Martin schtick. (So yes, bring the rubber chicken.)

You’ll then deliver your comedy genius before a panel of judges in the BCAE ballroom (tip: watch a lot of Louis C.K. ahead of time... and go easy on the airport humor). And after you slay them, you’ll land a plum gig at the Wilbur on November 10, opening for Brad Garrett of Everybody Loves Raymond fame.

Think of it as skipping the whole “paying your dues” thing.


Closet Comics Big Break
at the BCAE
122 Arlington St
Boston, MA, 02116

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