Things to do for September 30, 2010

The Weekender

Arm Wrestling, 165 Beers and The Varsity

The weekend will see you in the ring.

40% Off Your Next Shirt from Freemans

40% Off Your Next Shirt from Freemans

This week, Perks is bringing you 40% off shirts from Freemans. They feature a tab under the sleeve that can be fastened to a button placed strategically above the elbow—a little shirting know-how borrowed from Depression-era machinists—so feel free to roll up the sleeves. Because that magnum of champagne isn’t going to saber itself.

82 Years of Chili, to Go

82 Years of Chili, to Go

The Varsity. It’s an institution, and you know this. But after 82 years of slinging chili dogs on North Avenue, they are now, for the first time ever, letting you take that same glorious chili home with you... in a can. Or you could just put on a tailgating clinic at the next away game.

Lasers and Arm Wrestling

Lasers and Arm Wrestling

Tomorrow night, you will roam the streets and empty spaces of the Castleberry Hill Art District through a sea of concerts, laser shows, 140′ movie projections on the sides of buildings and, naturally, an arm wrestling tournament. Because an arts party isn’t an arts party until someone starts arm wrestling.

A Beer Competition, Judged by You

A Beer Competition, Judged by You

You’ve never been one to cast judgment. But when beer is involved, you’re willing to make an exception. So this Saturday, you’ll find yourself among endless food vendors, live music and 165 beers (Duvel, Wild Heaven, Delirium...) before carefully casting your vote for the top three. Let’s hope for a tiebreaker.

A Burger-y Cage Match

A Burger-y Cage Match

And speaking of competitions, 18 of the city’s best burgers will converge upon a Virginia Highland park this Saturday to engage in a little warfare of their own at Battle of the Burgers, along with five bands and an endless stream of Sweetwater. You love a good burger fight.

Oct 2, noon-4pm, $20, John Howell Park (in Virginia Highland), tickets here

Getting Intimate with Air

Getting Intimate with Air

Do what you will with the following information, but we feel obligated to at least make you aware of the existence of a particular engagement occurring this Sunday. It’s called the Air Sex World Championships, and it’s exactly what you think it is. That is all.

Elsewhere on the Daddy

More Radar in Atlanta