
Out of Sight

Your Next Mystery Date


It's not that you have trouble meeting women—far from it.

But sometimes you feel like the dating routine has gotten a tad...monotonous. Shake things up with Crazy Blind Date, a new website that just launched in Los Angeles.

Think of it as a way to step outside your usual sphere. Just visit the site, answer some basic questions about yourself, what you're looking for, and where and when you're available to kill 20 minutes over a cocktail, and you'll be given an appropriate time, place...and potential match who'll also be there. (You've always got 20 minutes for a cocktail.)

Once the rendezvous is confirmed, the site acts as a text-message conduit, so you can tell her you're running a few minutes late and she can tell you she's in the back wearing a little black dress, without actually trading numbers. If at first you don't succeed, just say your goodbyes, carry on with your evening and try again—the site's proprietors admit that their best users aren't paired up with first-timers who could be flaky or disreputable.

Neither of which applies to you, of course.

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