
The Hot List

Hidden Fall Sports

Football returns tomorrow. And we’re grateful. But today, we’re here to ask you to ponder sports of a more... obscure nature: a racetrack less traveled, a ball less bounced, a bowhunting tournament less rural. Yes, finally, the autumn of urban bowhunting is upon us.

NY Emperors Stickball

NY Emperors Stickball

In recent years, it’s become a little harder to organize pickup stickball games around the stoop. Mostly since you have a doorman, not a stoop. So fellow stickball players have banded together to start a league. Consider it double duty for your ice broomball stick.

Kayak Polo

Kayak Polo

In the high-stakes world of kayak polo, you can’t hold the ball for more than five seconds, but you can “tackle” other players. As in, capsizing their kayaks with a firm shove. It’s also the only sport where you have a choice of passing the ball with your hands or your paddle. Someday, Ralph Lauren will emblazon your silhouette onto a shirt.

Urban Bowhunting

Urban Bowhunting

With winter fast approaching, you’re undoubtedly starting to worry about your bowhunting skills getting rusty. Fortunately, there’s an indoor archery range with animated life-size projections, thus saving you from actually going out and bowhunting in public.



Sure, you could get your own set of pétanque balls, pull up with a bottle of pastis at your favorite mound of dirt and start playing. Or you could make a bid for international competition, compete in tournament play and become conqueror of the mounds of dirt (and regional aperitifs) in distant lands.

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