Things to do for September 02, 2010

The Weekender

Private Islands, Chance Encounters and a Bucket of Cold Ones

The weekend wants to know how you like your steak.

A Beer Bucket That Opens Your Bottles

A Beer Bucket That Opens Your Bottles

You’ve picked up the steaks, and the Cubans (you have a guy), and cued up your BBQ playlist (“Eternal Flame”) for your Labor Day cookout. You’re only missing one thing. A bucket for beer. That also opens bottles. And is made of bacon. (One of these is not true.)

Getting Into the Private Island Game

Getting Into the Private Island Game

You and your private island have had a great run, but maybe it’s time for a change. To another private island. Here to help: a new website that can help you buy, sell and/or flip your secret getaway for, say, a small country in the Caribbean archipelago. Just be sure to check their extradition laws first.

Connecting on Your Commute

Connecting on Your Commute

You’re driving to the office. Pulling up next to you, a ringer for Miranda Kerr. You exchange glances. And then you do what comes naturally: take out your phone and enter your daily travels into a new social networking site that connects you to nearby commuters. Or you could just roll down the window and ask for her number.

Your New Fall Sweater

Your New Fall Sweater

You made yourself a promise. This is the fall you finally get one of those elbow-patched sweaters. Howard Yount is your man—the grandson of a small-town haberdasher turned purveyor of prep items like tartan ties, linen pocket squares and the aforementioned sweater. You can always trust someone named Yount.

Your Next Photo and Literary Masterpiece

Your Next Photo and Literary Masterpiece

So you’ve had this epic photo sitting around. (Okay, it’s you, riding a Bengal tiger.) And weirdly enough, you’ve got this great piece of writing that goes along with it. (Your eloquent apology to the zoo.) It’s time to combine them, through a new site that uses your photos and words to create a giant framable print. The tiger wants you to have this.

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