Sex & ...

Spanking New

Miami's Stylish New Sex Shop

You don't need this.

Not the cold. Not the wind. Not now.

Time for a quick getaway to sunnier climes. Miami, say. And if you're on the fence, we'll toss in the prospect of a new sex shop/lounge to sweeten the deal...

We heralded the advent of a more stylish boudoir with Kiki de Montparnasse a while back. Now we're glad to see the rest of the country's catching on. Miami's glitzy new erotic emporium, Sex &..., more closely resembles a Bond villain's secret lair than a back alley smut stop. There's even a fingerprint scanner at the door to identify members who've paid a yearly fee, which, among other perks, entitles you to attend special events like lingerie shows that'd make Victoria blush.

Inside, you can shop for everything from top-drawer $2,000 bustiers to an array of sleek sex accouterments and high-end handcuff-and-whip sets. Lighting in the suspiciously spacious dressing rooms has three settings—"before," "during" and "after"—and there's a "bubble bar" serving up champagne to a Serge Gainsbourg soundtrack.

And if you don't have any plans to max out in Miami anytime soon, sit tight—the owners are already planning outposts in L.A., Vegas and New York.

You can't really expect a store like this to be faithful to just one city...


Sex & ...
743 Washington Ave
Miami, FL, 33139

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