You run a tight ship. You’re busy. Swamped, even.
But today, we’d like to turn your attention to a new diversion of sorts. You know, a little something to take the edge off.
Why, yes, we are talking about a co-ed Turkish hammam...
But more on that later. For now, let us introduce Exhale Mind Body Spa, a sprawling new relaxeteria in the heart of Midtown, opening next Wednesday for your massage-receiving, aromatherapy-oiling and Turkish-bathing pleasure.
First off, this place is large. Maze-like, even (kind of like that movie Labyrinth, only with less David Bowie and more cardio equipment). You’ll want to head to the Loews Hotel, make for the elevator and press the number seven. And in a few short moments, the doors will open, and you will forget your name.
Because it’s here that you’ll roam the never-ending halls, stopping in for a deep tissue massage here and a why-the-hell-not acupuncture session there. And then, toward journey’s end, you’ll see it... the hammam. Slowly, calmly make your entrance. It’s time for a Turkish bath.
You’ll begin the three-tiered process by navigating through the steamy gray-on-gray main chamber for 20 minutes in the adjacent sauna, then it’s back out to the main room for a cold (and decidedly public) shower, followed by a lingering rest on a heated marble slab. A co-ed heated marble slab, mind you.
The Turks know how to bathe.
But today, we’d like to turn your attention to a new diversion of sorts. You know, a little something to take the edge off.
Why, yes, we are talking about a co-ed Turkish hammam...
But more on that later. For now, let us introduce Exhale Mind Body Spa, a sprawling new relaxeteria in the heart of Midtown, opening next Wednesday for your massage-receiving, aromatherapy-oiling and Turkish-bathing pleasure.
First off, this place is large. Maze-like, even (kind of like that movie Labyrinth, only with less David Bowie and more cardio equipment). You’ll want to head to the Loews Hotel, make for the elevator and press the number seven. And in a few short moments, the doors will open, and you will forget your name.
Because it’s here that you’ll roam the never-ending halls, stopping in for a deep tissue massage here and a why-the-hell-not acupuncture session there. And then, toward journey’s end, you’ll see it... the hammam. Slowly, calmly make your entrance. It’s time for a Turkish bath.
You’ll begin the three-tiered process by navigating through the steamy gray-on-gray main chamber for 20 minutes in the adjacent sauna, then it’s back out to the main room for a cold (and decidedly public) shower, followed by a lingering rest on a heated marble slab. A co-ed heated marble slab, mind you.
The Turks know how to bathe.