Things to do for August 12, 2010

The Weekender

Nightswimming, the Kama Sutra and Double Dares

The weekend is deplaning on an inflatable slide.

Race an Audi. Also: Gratis Crunch and Half Off Steven Alan.

Race an Audi. Also: Gratis Crunch and Half Off Steven Alan.

This week, Perks is bringing you a chance to spend a day at the track, racing Audi’s sportiest machines around Infineon Raceway. Also: gear for the impending season between seasons with half off Steven Alan’s pre-fall collection. Finally, a weeklong membership and personal training session at Crunch, on the house. Because you only like to sweat in the presence of a live DJ.

Introducing the Nude Beach App

Introducing the Nude Beach App

On your summer bucket list, “doing the backstroke au naturel” has already been crossed off. Which is commendable, considering you didn’t have iSwimNude, an indispensable new app devoted to helping you find the nearest nude beach. And hey, it isn’t long until it’s summer in Brazil.

Shades and Pocket Squares, Made in TX

Shades and Pocket Squares, Made in TX

The Texas Hill Country: good place to get some BBQ and, it turns out, a pair of sunglasses. Your hookup for those shades: St. Liberty, a new line that specializes in badass goods like leather phone cases and suede-pocket T-shirts. Also, we’d advise you not to mess with them.

The Avatar of Nudie Books

The Avatar of Nudie Books

We have the technology. We have the women. So it was only a matter of time—yes, a 3-D book about breasts. And after extensive research, we can assure you that 3DD is exactly what you’d expect. Plastic 3-D aviators included. (No, really.)

Dueling and Daring Your Friends

Dueling and Daring Your Friends

A dare contest. Sure, maybe a bit juvenile. Also: a bit necessary. So along comes this site—you’ll fill in the blanks in the sentence “I will __ if my friend will __.” And if your friend fails you, they will face the everlasting shame of being humiliated on the Internet. Friends don’t let friends break Internet pledges.

The British Are Coming

The British Are Coming

You’ve got epic voyages in store. So it only seems appropriate that you pack your stuff in a bag made from sails. Or, failing that, one made for the Royal Navy. Your new hookup: 216/Union, a family-run online shop for recycled vintage military goods. Yes, they’re Brits, but it’s time to let 1776 go a bit.

The Kama Sutra on MP3

The Kama Sutra on MP3

Look: not everyone’s a visual learner. So finally, someone has thought to put out the Kama Sutra as an MP3, read for two breathtaking hours by a sexy British actress named Tanya Franks. If you were holding out for Helen Mirren, you’ll just have to use your imagination.

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