
Check Mate

Your Little Black Book, in App Form

UD - DateMate Occasionally, wading into the unregulated wilds of romantic entanglement can get a little... out of hand.

And we’re not talking about the occasional appletini thrown in your face. We’re talking about your cluttered mental rolodex of sexy dignitaries, actress/waitresses and the occasional First Daughter.

Which brings us to DateMate, a sneaky little app designed to help you keep your romantic dealings in order, available now.

Think of it as a little black book in app form. Basically, you’ll create a profile for everyone you’ve recently romanced—photo, phone number, name, birthday. (Yes, they’ll send you a reminder to call.) You’ll type in the frequency and quality of your encounters (on a five-star scale), and add any helpful notes on those tiny matters of utmost import (i.e., Jessica’s the twin who’s a lawyer, Rachel’s the twin who is a covert assassin).

And then, the magic happens. You’ll get a series of graphs and charts that show you your progress over one month, three months, six months, one year, two years or even all-time. (And keep in mind, records were meant to be broken.) In essence, it’s the hard-core, stats-based analysis your romantic encounters so richly deserve, and it’s password protected.

Wilt Chamberlain could have really used this.

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