Find refuge in the bar at the newly opened Hotel QT.
Part of the Andre Balazs empire (Mercer; Raleigh in Miami Beach), the hotel features an intimate Euro-chic bar literally connected to a low-lit swimming pool, complete with underwater music and a swim-up bar. Plastic cups and a DJ booth overhead encourage "multitasking" while you swim, and cushy bleachers let voyeurs look on.
With a small non-descript sign and no plan to hire promoters, QT is intentionally keeping the scene low-pro; it's an ideal spot to throw a party (Radar Magazine and Duran Duran recently rented out the space) or just grab a mellow drink.
As you settle in, you may notice there's no lifeguard on duty. This might be because the pool's only chest-deep—or that jumping into a pool with you and your naked co-workers is too scary even for David Hasselhoff. Either way, it's one less person taking up valuable space.