Discoteca Sexadelica

Disco Sex

Party Like Thomas Jefferson This Friday

UD - Discoteca Sexadelica Your heart beats to “The Star-Spangled Banner.” You bleed red, white and blue. You’ve seen The Patriot, like, one-and-a-half times.

So we understand if you want to begin celebrating Independence Day well before Sunday.

Given that, we have a suggestion...

Introducing Discoteca Sexadelica, a Friday-night party at the Oberon that may just be the pre-Fourth of July patriotic descent into all things American (boozing, go-go dancing, half-naked cabaret-ing) you’re looking for.

Your night of USA pride begins with a theatrical homage to the counterculture revolution of the ’60s, a time when being American was embraced with a lot of booze, partying and mind expansion. By which we mean: a performance by the tasteful go-go girls dance troupe Notorious P.U.S.S.Y. Galore, complete with a psychedelic visual element and loud, pulse-pounding DJ beats from the Free Love era.

Then, you’ll move on to the study of scantily dressed 20-something Americans engaged in a full cabaret dance-off (you may be familiar with their work... the name of the well-respected outfit is Babes in Boinkland), and finish with a little drinking and dancing of your own.

We’re pretty sure this is what Franklin had in mind.


Discoteca Sexadelica
at Club Oberon
2 Arrow St
Cambridge, MA, 02138

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