
Hang Time

Hang Gliding in New Hampshire

UD - Urban Escapes Solo Hang Gliding Mondays are for getting a massive amount of work done while you dream about your weekend, so here's what should be swirling around your head today: hang gliding. By yourself. In New Hampshire. 

Say hello to Urban Escapes Solo Hang Gliding, a one-day immersion in the thrill and majesty of primitive flight, now gearing up for a session this Sunday.

Understand: this is a hang gliding course for beginners, but it will treat you with the respect and freedom someone of your adventure level deserves. (You did, after all, once think about climbing Mount Everest.) Meaning: you'll get a lot of practice actually hang gliding, so that you can start building up your experience to one day earn your license. And maybe do the Grand Canyon. On ESPN12.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. You'll start at 7am in Beacon Hill, where you'll board a van with other would-be flyers and make your way to Charlestown, NH. After an hour of classroom instruction, you'll strap into a stationary glider and get a feel for the rig (now would be a good time to put on your jumpsuit).

Then, the fun begins: you'll harness up in your own glider, run at top speed down a gliding hill (like a bunny slope, but without the snow) and launch yourself off the ground time and again, soaring through the air like a bird...

You may need a few weekends of this before attempting a run off the Prudential.


Urban Escapes Solo Hang Gliding

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