Atlanta Paragliding Enterprises

Get Out of Dodge

Flying High in the Mountains

UD - Atlanta Paragliding Enterprises We love the city, but let's face it, we love leaving it even more. Hence "Get Out of Dodge," which periodically hooks you up with the best weekend getaways just a short skip away. Get going...

The arrival of summer is oftentimes accompanied by the sudden and inexplicable urge to do something completely uncalled for outdoors.

Let us go on record as being in favor of this notion.

Also, let us introduce you to a gentleman named Dirk van Rees, who will happily launch you into the sky...

Introducing Atlanta Paragliding Enterprises, a high-flying, freewheeling aerial assault above the foothills of the northeast Georgia mountains.

Basically, you'll be ripping through the clouds while sitting in a harness, suspended below a giant parachute-like wing (buzzing the tower won't score you any points here). Your day begins as Dr. van Rees (we're assuming he's a doctor) and his staff get you geared up, psyched up and promptly in the air for your tandem maiden voyage. From there, spiral dives, wingovers and other questionable maneuvers—like taking the wheel yourself—are just the beginning.

On a sunny day, ask your instructor to take you on what they call a "thermal flight," and you'll find yourself paragliding up to about 800 feet, where you'll then attempt not only to find but to catch a harrowing ride in a thermal pocket (a warm column of rising air), which could shoot you to altitudes of up to 6,000 feet above the mere mortals below.

Like Hot Pockets, only more daring.


Atlanta Paragliding Enterprises
1480 Bold Springs Church Rd
Carnesville, GA, 30521

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