Things to do for May 20, 2010

The Weekender

Vintage Watches, Japanese Ice and Global Domination

The weekend is barbecuing early.

50% Off Vintage Watches

50% Off Vintage Watches

Summer Fridays, Daylight Saving Time... this season has a way of rearranging your schedule. And we're not saying a new watch will help you adapt, but it couldn't hurt. At Watchismo's online sale, you'll find a bunch of old-school timepieces from the likes of Timex and Hamilton. (We've got our eye on this crazy piece.) Though, we suppose, truly embracing summer might mean ditching the watch altogether.

Introducing the Mini Ice Ball Maker

Introducing the Mini Ice Ball Maker

Another key staple of summer: the backyard BBQ. And a staple of those BBQs: ice-cold drinks. And in those drinks, another staple: ice. Which, as you know, should not be trusted to amateurs. This ice ball maker—from Japan, naturally—is like the kind you've seen at your favorite cocktail haunts, except, you know, smaller. But feel free to enjoy in the same large drinks.

The Chalkboard Globe

The Chalkboard Globe

You've long been planning your route to world dominance, but perhaps it's best to start small: by recreating the globe in your own image. Take chalk to it, and the United States of Youmerica will finally make its rightful claim to sovereignty. Plus: you can finally reclaim Canada for the good guys.

The Sound of Two Hands Tapping

The Sound of Two Hands Tapping

We're not going to say how or why—you have your reasons—but every once in a while, it would be a good thing to persuade those around you that you are, in fact, humbly typing your way through the workday. Even if you are, in fact, not. Which is where this site comes in: it produces keyboard clicking sounds so no one knows that you are, in fact, executing an art heist in Paris. Hypothetically speaking.

When to Resell Your Tickets

When to Resell Your Tickets

You buy tickets to a big game for one reason: to resell them at a profit. This site turns that into a science: basically, it uses an algorithm, based on who the team is playing, what tickets are going for on StubHub and the historic value of the same matchup (Sox-Yankees games, for example), to find the optimum time to sell your ticket for the ultimate value. We'll just say this: July 6.

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