
Slim Pickings

Poolside with the World's Elite

This time of year, you're chiefly preoccupied with getting two things: 1) great gifts, and 2) the hell out of here—preferably to somewhere a lot warmer.

Poolside with Slim Aarons, a new coffee table tome featuring the work of the fashionable photographer by that name, satisfies the first absolutely and the second vicariously, but in high style. Aarons, who died last year, once said he preferred only to photograph "attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places"—a philosophy that served him well during decades chronicling the beautiful people for publications like Town & Country, Holiday, Life and Harper's Bazaar.

The new book has a narrower focus than the two previous collections of his work, Once Upon A Time and A Place in the Sun; more than any other setting, swimming pools reflected the privileged existence of the idle rich who seemed to have no more pressing obligation than to be served cooling drinks by white-jacketed waiters next to their private blue lagoons.

There are cameos by celebs such as Cheryl Tiegs, Peter Beard, C.Z. Guest and Lilly Pulitzer, but the real appeal here is a chance to bask in the glow of Slim-style warmth and luxury without joining the queue at JFK.

You're just a photo away.


Poolside with Slim Aarons

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