She brings fair weather and cartoon birds on your windowsill and tidings of great joy.
Trout, too.
And with that, let’s turn our attention to Amberjack, a new site solely dedicated to helping you find the perfect place for your next fly-fishing, deep-sea-fishing or fishing-fishing excursion, online now.
Good news: these guys did their homework. There’s everything. A body of water and a species of fish for every occasion. Then they put it all together in an Airbnb kind of way to help facilitate your weekend sojourns. Go team.
First, enter a destination or scroll around to find one. Their top picks have extensive descriptions and fishing reports with the local forecasts, waterways, necessary licenses and pro tips like “They’re notoriously light biters, so be ready to rip as soon as your fly stops.” That’s probably your line. They probably stole your line right there, didn’t they?
Anyway, catching saltwater kingfish and bluefish in Islamorada. Deep-sea fishing off the coast of Kauai. Fly-fishing for rainbows with nymphs and streamers on the Kenai River. All solid and available options.
Nymph. Great word.