And, as life has a way of reminding you, bacon is good.
Which is why we're here to remind you, perhaps for the very first time: bacon-filled hot dogs are transcendent...
Introducing 4505 Dogs, a new line of mail-order meats from one of San Fran's best butchers, available for your BBQing needs now.
It's the kind of thing you would come up with after an epic, meat-induced fever dream. Invented by a mad genius of a butcher in San Francisco, the dogs are first made like a regular dog, just from top-notch ingredients. By the end, they're fully cooked in a smokehouse, but not before a final coup de grâce: they're filled with bacon. At which point, we assume, the butcher begins laughing maniacally.
After all that, they're wrapped in ice and shipped your way to safely land as the centerpiece of your next barbecue extravaganza.
Whether or not you take credit for this wild invention is up to you.