
Outlet Pass

Finding a Bar to Charge Your Phone

None Paint drying.


Charging your phone.

Yes, this is a list of the most boring things in the world.

Or rather, was a list of the most boring things in the world.

See, today we’re going to make one of them significantly more entertaining.

That’s right, we’re adding whiskey to the equation.

Presenting goCharge Finder, a satellite-powered iPhone app that’ll direct you to nearby high-speed phone-charging stations (yes, they’re all located inside bars), available now.

This thing is like a metal detector for finding communal cell phone chargers (and single-malted stuff). All you need to do: download the app, open it and follow the GPS directions to any of the nearest iPhone rescue centers (which, conveniently, all double as bars).

We can see this coming in handy anytime you go straight from work to after-work drinks to after-work-drinks karaoke. Right as your phone is about to die, fire this up. Find a close compliant establishment. Suggest your group have its next round there.

Once inside, you’ll be looking for a kiosk. It’s got plugs everywhere, says goCharge in big letters, should be fairly obvious. Also, it’ll be equipped with military-grade chargers (eight in total) that are capable of filling a cell phone battery faster than just about any power source in existence.

Minus the sun.

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