And here it is: the swankiest steakhouse in the city has introduced a burger menu.
The patties in question are from Michael Mina, the man who stoked your love of duck-fat fries and lobster potpie when he opened Bourbon Steak last year. Now he's focused his attention on the humble slider with his Bar Burgers menu—and the result is damn near perfect.
The way it works is deceptively simple. Make your way through the glass-box entryway to find a seat at the mahogany bar or one of the cushy lounge tables. A waiter then presents you with a slim clipboard menu and a pencil—think of them as your tools for drawing up true burger greatness…
Choose from five types of patties, including the all-beef blend with Kobe, the lamb and the vegetarian falafel (a non-carnivorous breach, yes, but it's Mina's mother's recipe, so we'll let it slide). You then have the daunting task of choosing up to six—yes, six—toppings from a list that includes fried organic eggs, shaved jalapenos and butter lettuce, plus globally inspired sauces like yogurt raita.
And in a final stroke of genius, there's also a list of "adult" milkshakes, which offer the perfect balance of frothiness and liquor.
Nobody makes a milkshake like Jim Beam.