
Special Delivery

Now in Transit: Whatever You Ask For

None This week, you were presented with a new quandary. It was snowing, you didn’t want to go out, and yet... you really wanted a copy of Barry White’s greatest hits. And a Jell-O mold.

We won’t ask. What we will do is tell you about Postmates, an app that lets you get just about anything that’s for sale in town instantly couriered to you. It’s available now for iPhone and Android.

This is basically like Uber for delivery people, just trolling the city, waiting for you to tell them where to go, what to buy and where to bring it.

So here’s the plan. You’ll download this app. You’ll give them the relevant info. Then, when your next backyard bonfire Secret Santa party runs low on logs and marshmallows, you’ll call up the app, search for the relevant nearby stores and submit your shopping list.

Once a delivery person accepts your order, you’ll be able to see their face and track their progress to your door. Your delivery charge is based on time and distance.

Oh, and they’re available every day from 8am to midnight. In case you need a Belgian waffle and a new badminton net at 11:30pm.

Or just... coffee.

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