It looks like the truck. Sorta.
There’s a wall painted sky-blue like the truck. There’s gleaming white tile behind the counter. And there are touches of stainless steel by way of the 16 seats and two-top tables (try not to growl and guard your lunch if someone sits down to share a table).
Oh yes, they’re doing dinner.
So before your next after-work date involving an indie film at the Kendall Square Cinema, you can stop in here for a Chinese BBQ pork rice bowl or roasted soy and paprika tofu rice noodle salad, instead of a popcorn- and Twizzlers-based meal (certain cinema calls for noodles).
Speaking of dinner...
With the new digs comes more room to frolic and play while cooking, so expect experimental dinner specials to go with the dinner hours (they’re open till 10pm). Think: soba noodle salad with spice-rubbed chicken, ideal for taking out to the patio to enjoy the fine Cambridge air while dining.
Not now, of course.