
UD: Downstairs

Sex Parties

Purely out of a selfless desire to get you downstairs, we've spent the last few months extensively investigating the underground sex party scene. After attending enough parties filled with sketchy 50-year-old swingers and underserviced Long Island housewives in Pennsylvania Hotel suites, we finally came upon a scene worth taking a look at.

The organization is called "One Leg Up" and it offers three different levels of parties with increasing levels of intensity: the "side-dish" (for anyone) the "take-out" (couples and single women only) and the "eat-in" (an exclusive event for pre-screened couples and single women only). Our advice: Go straight for the top.The journey begins with an elaborate screening process. You submit an application, including a questionnaire, photos and some serious essay questions (start thinking about your sexual "fears"). Palagia, the founder and host, personally reviews and approves each application.

Once accepted, you can purchase tickets for the event. The password and location of the event (shifting among lofts, hotels, private yachts, and other venues) are kept secret, until you are notified by email that day. Palagia spares no expense and overlooks no detail in setting the scene; for example, transforming a spa into a plush velvet swathed ancient Greek den with rose petals, silk sheets, champagne and luxurious buffets (although it's unlikely you'll be wasting your time eating grapes).

Once you arrive and provide the correct password, you change into a mandatory costume that complements the occasion's theme. You then join the approximately other 150 half-naked, extremely young and attractive partygoers who are lounging, mingling, and getting friendly, and sizing up potentials for later activities.

At the stroke of midnight, the games begin; everyone must strip down to their undies (most just go all the way). Almost instantaneously, a variety of openly sexual activities begins—from a menage a cinq in one room, to two women making out in another, to well... Some things are better left unsaid—and better experienced. Trust us, you'll thank us for this one.

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