
Around the World

Improving Your Home Game

UD - Destination Dinners Ah, the at-home date.

The ideal time to demonstrate all the worldly skills—culinary and otherwise—that you've acquired during your global sojourns.

But on the off chance you remember less of the culinary and more of the otherwise, we wanted to give you a little help in the kitchen.

Which brings us to Destination Dinners, a series of date-saving kits that provide you with nearly made meals from around the globe, available now.

Consider it your ace in the hole for when you want to impress your date with a world-class dish, but don't want to mess with, you know, real cooking. (We won't tell.) Start by picking a part of the world whose cuisine intrigues you (Tokyo, Lebanon, New Orleans), and they'll send you a kit replete with the ingredients, table setting suggestions and background knowledge you need to serve an authentic meal. (And by authentic, we mean "authentic.")

From there, you'll have to pick up a few of the basics (some wine, fresh ingredients), which you'll throw in with the premade stuff. Then you'll be able to greet your date with the gentle aroma of hot jambalaya, some spicy Thai curry or even some Korean beef bulgogi.

Because nothing says romance like beef bulgogi.

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