Sansho Buttons

Kind Bud

A Shocking Way to End a Meal

UD - Sansho Buttons at Bonsoiree You're not jaded, but after all those bacon-studded pancakes, foie-and-Pop Rocks entrées and booze-soaked cupcakes, your palate needs a little jolt.

Enter Sansho Buttons, a shocking off-menu secret available at Logan Square's BYOB culinary adventureland, Bonsoirée.  

In short, it's the only edible flower with that rare flavor profile of citrus, grass and—oh, yes—a nine-volt battery applied directly to the tongue. A relative of the sunflower, this tiny bud looks innocent enough. But as you've learned over the years, the innocent-looking ones are the ones to watch out for.  

So after (and only after) polishing off the last bite of your caramelized bread pudding and the final drop of that delightful Syrah, it's time to order—Sansho has a way of doing strange and wonderful things to your mouth, but it will not play well with others.

After it arrives on a white plate, you'll put the tiny bud on your tongue and notice a slight tingle. So far, so good. Then suddenly, your mouth will fill with the unmistakable sensation of DC current. And while we probably wouldn't put electricity among the 1,001 things you must eat before you die (okay, maybe, if it's the 1,001st thing), we guarantee Sansho's charge won't jump-start your car or make smoke come out of your ears.

Just make sure you're completely grounded.


Sansho Buttons
at Bonsoirée
2728 W Armitage Ave
(near California)
Chicago, IL, 60647

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