THOR Private Lounge

More Thor

Thor Opens Top Secret Lounge

You've heard rumblings of something new opening. You may have glimpsed the mildly-insane Dutch designer, Marcel Wanders, coming in and out of an undisclosed location on the Lower East Side.

The question on everyone's mind: What is it?

The answer is the Hotel on Rivington's new invitation-only lounge, which opened last night at a selectively-hyped opening party. Thor finally unveiled the product of many months of tight-lipped effort: behind a nondescript door next to the hotel is a narrow tunnel leading to a small lounge with walls covered in giant white pebbles and masses of Swarovski crystals underneath a glass-top bar. Private alcoves are the way to go here, where you can order Veuve by the half-bottle and food from the restaurant (tip: it's only available if you ask). The atmosphere is relaxed and low-profile and the "VIP" feel ends at the door.

It's a prime place for a nightcap if you're in the neighborhood on a date or seeking something new on a Friday night.

As far as entry goes if you don't have a "membership" key, here is the best of the lines we heard at last night's opening: "We're friends of Marcel's in from the Netherlands."

What a coincidence—us too.


THOR Private Lounge
105 Rivington
Lower East Side
New York, NY, 10002

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