
Capital Improvements

UrbanDaddy Goes to Washington

UD - UrbanDaddy DC We stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors.

Actually, we're just here to launch the latest and greatest edition of UrbanDaddy, but you get the point...

Allow us to proudly introduce UrbanDaddy DC, your new guide to the new DC, the old DC and everything you need to know about dreaming the impossible dream inside the Beltway.

In a town where information is power, and power is everything, our coffers are overflowing with the kind of cutting-edge, life-affirming details on things like the essential party circuit, the hot new restaurant scenes, rooftop pool parties, brunch dens or maybe just where Hill staffers are gathering for a secret Ping-Pong society.

Once a day you'll get a single, powerful piece of information, a quick tip on the people you want to know and the parties you want to attend, from underground martini dojos in Logan Circle to smoke-filled rooms in Georgetown.

It's the kind of knowledge that gets passed in envelopes in dark alleys, gets embedded on encrypted microfiche files and sends nations to war.

Okay, not really, but don't blame us if a few senators end up having a good time...

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