
Back to the Future

What You'll Need to Know in 2059

UD - Futuristk.com Today, we'd like you to think about your future.

Not just dinner. Not just your five-year plan. Not just you golfing out your days in Boca.

But to the year 2059, when you'll get an email from yourself. That you sent today.

Welcome to the wild world of futuris.tk—a new social networking site where you can send messages to yourself, your friends or anyone up to 50 years in the future—ready now.

Brought to you by a team of sentimentalists/engineers/futuristic postal workers in Brazil, this site's message-sending services are only limited by your imagination (in other words, they're limitless). Send anything from reminders to pick up milk after work next Tuesday to notes from last night's date sent just before you pick her up tonight (she'll be so impressed you remembered that she's a part-time cricket player) to a few time-tested moves for a future-you that you'll want to keep in the archives.

There's also a future blog and photo album in case you want to take a time line of daily photos and turn them into stop-motion videos (again, limitless possibilities). And you can also manage your messages via your own Control Panel—so if, perhaps, things end suddenly with the cricket player, and you need to cancel her future notes, you can delete them.


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