
Killers App

Put Lollapalooza in Your Pocket

UD - Lollapalooza iPhone App Maybe it's the sun. Maybe it's the beer. Maybe it's the sight of Perry Farrell rocking out to nursery rhymes in the kids' tent.

But as you know at Lollapalooza, things have a way of getting a little…strange.

So leave it to Farrell, that master of maintaining order and discipline, to make sure you stay on track by creating an official Lollapalooza iPhone App.

This free download is first and foremost an easy way to keep the entire three-day schedule in your pocket. Plus, you can personalize the schedule highlighting just bands you want to see. But if you get distracted—say, cooling off at the Lederhosen's Biergarten (or in Buckingham Fountain) when you should be at the Budweiser Stage—you'll get a two-hour warning when your bands are about to rock the north end of Grant Park.

And since the app connects to your Facebook account, you can stay up-to-date with your friends, telling them exactly where you are at any point during the show. Or if a guyliner malfunction makes the Killers a little late taking the stage, they can warn you and you can stay cozy in your shaded cabana just a little longer.

Your groupies will appreciate the extra time with you.

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