
Shelling Out

Island Creek Oysters: Now as Deliverable as Pizza

Sometimes you'd rather watch the Sox on your own flat-screen. Sometimes you'd rather catch the latest Southie crime flick on your turf.

And sometimes you'd rather not brave Rt. 3 South down to Duxbury on a Friday afternoon to get your fill of Massachusetts's best seafood.

Which is why we're pleased to announce that the folks at Island Creek Oysters have recently set up shop on the Internet, now making it as easy for you to receive a bounty of oysters as it is for the country's finest restaurants, like New York's Per Se, Napa's French Laundry and D.C.'s Barack Obama's house.

Chefs and foodies alike will tell you Island Creek has been their top mollusk choice for a while, and now that they've mastered the online shipping game, you'll get the same deals those restaurants get (feel free to pass the savings onto your neighbors).

Whether it's several pounds of razor clams, a few dozen Cape Cod scallops or—our pick—a fishnet bag of 100 supremely slurpable Island Creek oysters (at just $1 per oyster), they'll FedEx them to you overnight for next-day devouring.

And just because we love you, if you mention UD Boston in the comments section when placing an order by tomorrow night, you'll get 15 percent off, courtesy of Island Creek oysterist Shore Gregory.

With a name like "Shore," the man has to be good.

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