Great Lakes Board Company

New Wave

Surf's Up. Now Grab a Paddle.

UrbanDaddy - Great Lakes Board Company Now that surfing has been legal in Chicago for a whole two weeks, you're getting hungry for the next big wave. So head to where all local thrill-seeking, extreme-sports junkies go to get their fix…

That's right, we're talking about Glencoe.

Introducing Great Lakes Board Company, bringing the adventure of the Hawaiian North Shore to Chicago's northern suburbs.

As you approach the Glencoe beach, keep an eye out for a tiny canvas-covered kiosk near the entrance. The operation is nothing fancy—it's been known to blow away in strong wind—but there you'll be introduced to the joys of the sport known as stand-up paddle boarding. (Reader's Digest version: it's kayaking meets surfing.)

Start with an hour-long lesson, covering all the basics: holding your paddle, planting your feet, not getting hit when the S.S. Trustafarian steams by on its way to some Lake Forest debutante ball.

Or opt to just take out a board and do your best. You'll be entrusted with one of the seven lightweight Isle boards they have on hand, perfectly suited for the swells that Glencoe is known for. There's even talk of arranging architecture paddle tours along the North Shore lakefront this summer.

Don't let the debutantes distract you.


Great Lakes Board Company
at Glencoe Beach
160 Hazel Avenue
Glencoe, IL, 60022

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