
The More Efficient You

7 Effective Tips to Make the Most of Your 24 Hours


We all have the same 24 hours in every day.

It’s what you do with them that makes all the difference.

And by taking a more efficient approach to your daily tasks, you have more time to do the important stuff.

Like… doing nothing at all.

We’ve teamed up with Monster Energy to put together a manual detailing the most efficient shortcuts for just about everything you need to do.

Time is precious, especially these days when everyone is, quote, “so totally crazy busy right now.” This is why we’re providing this step-by-step guide to making the most out of your day. We’ll cut out your biggest time-wasters to focus on what’s effective, fast, healthy, or simply easier. All to reduce your daily to-do list to a mere ghost of your laborious past. 

Join us as we chart this brave new path to making the most out of your days.

And bonus: You’ll find plenty of time left to thank us later.

Your Typical Time-Waster: Running for miles and running for hours. Sure, it’s good for you. But you can achieve better results in less time. Also, running is hard. Also, running hurts.

Your Efficient Alternative: HIIT run training, a 10-minute approach combining progressive 30-to-90 second intervals of slow walking, moderate jogging, and harder running that gives you extraordinary aerobic and strength benefits in a fraction of the time it takes you to circle your city sweating, panting, and wearing tiny and/or Lycra shorts.

Your Typical Time-Waster: Napping. It feels so necessary when you’re head is dropping on your desk, but often leaves you feeling groggy and sapped of energy when you awaken, head still on desk.

Your Efficient Alternative: Meditation. When your brain is stressed and in need of rest (that rhymes), a simple five-minute meditation focused on your breath will clear your anxiety while providing mental clarity, calm, and a sustained shot of physical energy to make it to quitting time (that doesn’t rhyme).

Your Typical Time-Waster: Your morning coffee. Whether grinding beans and waiting for a machine to slowly drip each drop of precious joe, perfecting your pour-over technique, or donating a daily portion of your salary to Starbucks, it’s a long, painful wait to get that caffeine in your bloodstream just to feel human again. While an excruciating crash awaits on the horizon. 

Your Efficient Alternative: Grab a Monster Energy Ultra from your fridge or nearest store. Crack it open and find a sugar-free, fruit-forward flavor like Ultra Watermelon, Ultra Rosá, and Ultra Sunrise packed with the vitality you need to get up and at ‘em. Safe ingredients like caffeine, taurine, inositol, B vitamins, and L-carnitine are included to help sustain your energy throughout the day.

Your Typical Time-Waster: Cooking. Obviously, you’ve got to eat. But three times a day? Exhausting. And don’t get us started on washing the dishes or the one-pot wonder.

Your Efficient Alternative: Tovala Smart Oven, a Wi-Fi-connected cooker that all-but-autonomously prepares you fresh gourmet meals that are sent straight to your place, so don’t have to shop or clean or cook or… really do anything but eat. Though your fan club will miss you in the produce section.

Your Typical Time-Waster: Spending the day watching multiple seasons of some show everyone’s talking about on your preferred streaming service. Just like we do.

Your Efficient Alternative: Get outside and breathe in the air, take in some Vitamin-D, while stimulating your brain and strengthening your body. Monster Ultra will give you the motivation you need to tackle that hike or walk around the city. And don’t worry, Netflix isn’t going anywhere today.

Your Typical Time-Waster: Worrying about things you can’t control. Like catastrophic forces of nature. Or you know, creepy clowns breaking down your door with chainsaws.

Your Efficient Alternative: Buy an emergency survival kit from Judy. It’s hyper-organized with everything you need to prepare for any disaster. And will just sort of sit there looking pretty and giving you full peace of mind until the day something bad goes down, god forbid. Feel free to stick a few cans of Monster in there.

Your Typical Time-Waster: Mindlessly picking up your phone 415 times a day to scroll through social media. Only to realize each time that you aren’t interested in what your aunt thinks about Joe Biden or had for lunch. 

Your Efficient Alternative: Open up your ears and increase the size of that organ that sits between them. Your brain, we mean. Pick a subject that interests you or you want to learn more about and find a podcast that goes into great detail on the subject. Or tap an Audible subscription so you can tear through audiobooks on intriguing subjects in the car or while doing your HIIT training. Or heck, while scrolling through pointless social media or sitting on the couch.

Your Typical Time-Waster: Here’s a time-sapping scenario. You continue writing notes on little yellow squares in order to pay your bills on time. Nonetheless, you blow it. And then have to spend a few hours waiting on the phone to reach someone to try and get it smoothed out.

Your Efficient Alternative: It’s automation, baby. Make sure your bills are taken care of wherever possible with autopay. You’ll save a lot of time and money. Twofold even, given that time is money.

And just to make sure this all sticks, we recommend committing this whole article to memory. 

It will pay off in the end.

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