
Banksy is Opening a Home Goods Shop

“Where Art Irritates Life”

By Hadley Tomicki ·

Welcome mat stitched from a refugee’s life-jacket? Check.

Designer handbag made from a freshly-thrown brick? Yup.

Proceeds going to a contentious cause? You bet.

By this point, it should be apparent that Banksy is opening his own housewares shop.

It’s called Gross Domestic Product, and it’s the first Banksy shop to come from the elusive artist/prankster himself.

The store is an actual boutique in south London. With a huge display window full of products and everything, just like a real store. Only unlike most real stores, it will never actually be open. But in a twist, everything you see there will be for sale online. Yes, there's a website and it's supposed to go live any minute now. Got it?

That's where you'll be able to buy things. Including a stab-proof vest stenciled like the British flag. And a disco ball wearing a riot helmet. Or an arguably grrrrrrreat rug made out of Tony the Tiger. Of course, you’ll also find artworks with his famous rats and flower-throwing rebels.

And Banksy being Banksy, he is planning to donate the proceeds to benefit individuals held in European refugee camps. 


Damn, the shredder got stuck again.

Hadley Tomicki

Hadley Tomicki lives in Los Angeles. He is probably going nowhere on the 10 Freeway this very second.

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