Things to do for March 15, 2017

There’s a Lot to Know About Cold Irish Coffee and Eating Like a Brady

Here, Now, Your Five Must-Reads of the Day

By Ilana Dadras

Here they are: five facts you must know immediately.

These Are the Most Verdant Vacation Spots on Earth, and They Are Glorious

These Are the Most Verdant Vacation Spots on Earth, and They Are Glorious

For some, the very thought of St. Patrick’s Day puts them in the mind of greener pastures. For others, the very sight of Ireland’s Ashford Castle brings them to their happy place. For those people (and also other people who can appreciate a little green-themed travel porn), we’ve got the greenest places on earth right here.

You Can Now Eat Like Tom Brady. Like, Really Eat Like Him.

You Can Now Eat Like Tom Brady. Like, Really Eat Like Him.

While we cannot help you marry a Bündchen or win numerous Super Bowls, we can help you follow Tom Brady’s extremely strict diet of vegetables, whole grains and lean meats by pointing you toward his new meal subscription service. Expect things like coconut ramen broth with charred broccoli and white lentil risotto. You’ll tackle that other stuff later.

Cold Irish Coffee Is a Fine Alternative to Hot Irish Coffee

Cold Irish Coffee Is a Fine Alternative to Hot Irish Coffee

A wise, beverage-drinking man once said, “Moving into the warmer months, why have a hot Irish coffee when you can get a kick-ass cold one, right?” That man was Jack McGarry of NYC’s legendary cocktail spot The Dead Rabbit, and he was kind enough to provide you with the recipe, right here.

These Are the Largest Sports Bar Screens in All the Land

These Are the Largest Sports Bar Screens in All the Land

There are games to watch. Games in which throngs of young, very tall dudes run back and forth a lot in a coordinated effort to ruin your bracket. Anyway, you might want to watch those games at one of these 11 places, all with massive screens and... beer. Plenty of beer.

There’s a Lot to Learn Before Becoming a Successful Wedding Guy

There’s a Lot to Learn Before Becoming a Successful Wedding Guy

We’ve taken a long, hard look at the Black Tux’s new Groom’s Guide, which consists of 224 pages of insight, advice, illustrations and disturbing traditions. And we’ve distilled it down to the five most important facts. Just know that the first rule of being a groom is there are no rules to being a groom. Which sounds like something Tyler Durden would say, if Tyler Durden cared about weddings.

Ilana Dadras

Ilana Dadras passes her days writing about good food, talking about good food and consuming good food. Occasionally doing other things, too.

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