
Skiing Is Just More Fun on 8,000-Year-Old Wood

The Gold-Plated Bindings and Poles Aren’t Bad Either

By Chris LaMorte ·
Eight thousand years ago, a mighty oak tree fell into a peat bog and generally became very little use to anyone. But bogs being bogs, the wood remained in pretty good shape. Fast-forward to you careening down the Italian Alps with this same tree on your feet. That’s because some very industrious folks at Foil turned it into handmade skis, which also happen to feature gold-plated bindings and poles and a hand-stitched leather bag to put it all in. We think that old tree turned out all right after all.

[Foil Oro-Nero Skis]
Chris LaMorte

Chris LaMorte’s favorite lapel: peak. Favorite bulldog: French. Can you offer him a glass of champagne: yes. Often mistaken for: Zach Galifianakis. Often mistakes himself for: Bradley Cooper.

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