
Jet Ski

Now Boarding: Your Private Jet to Aspen

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
Eight tiny reindeer.

Yeah, they’re cute. But in truth, ornery little creatures.

Highly unreliable, ravenous and—contrary to the drivel we were fed as children—totally unable to fly. And let’s not even talk about legroom.

So when it comes to private transportation to and from your next ski holiday in Tahoe, they’re totally out.

But Ascent Air Club, a first-of-its-kind private charter plane service, thinks it can serve your private jet  needs.

What they’re specializing in here: those little towns and microscopic one-strip airports that dot the Rocky Mountains, which commercial jets won’t fly into or other charter jets cannot. They’re touting pilots with special certifications useful for mountain airports and a stable of aircraft that otherwise would be sitting there, not doing anything useful and just kind of being bored. And you know the saying: a bored Learjet is a sad Learjet.

Okay, no one says that. Um. Let’s move on...

You’ll pay an up-front fee to join (they also have a vetting process to keep out the yahoos) and pay à la carte for each flight for up to 50 hours of flight time.

End result: you’re at a business meeting in, oh, say, Dallas (or one of about a dozen other major airports Ascent is currently servicing), but you need to get to Vail for last run. You’ll call them. They’ll get to work finding your plane—maybe they’ll find an empty leg on a flight, or just another few Dallas folks going your way.

Too bad there’s no jet pool lane in the sky.

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